[00:45] A website hosted on a floppy disk (and here's an archive link in case the site is down). Vintage hardware, too, with a 40MHz 386 and 4MB of RAM. I love projects like this one, where people just make something for the fun of it.
[00:34] Doom rendered via checkboxes. Because if anything resembles pixels ... wait, we've been there before.
[00:54] Around the web I often come across websites that display trust seals. I just found a way more trustworthy variation. :D
[23:57] From the "malevolent design" department: CSS fingerprinting (see also)
[23:51] In case you are interested in a fast computer: this one drives at speeds of up to 100 kmph. (This kind of demands a pun about drivers, but I used that up already.)