[22:25] In case you have an urgent need for coffee stains on your documents but don't have a cup of coffee at hand: there is a LaTeX package for that.
[14:23] Being able to watch a live stream from space is really awesome.
[14:56] Usually password requirements are aimed to make users pick secure passwords and have the side effect off pissing some people off. This one has it the other way round. :D
[22:50] Yekaterinburg in Russia has a Keyboard Monument.
[19:40] This rarely happens, but I have to recommend a game: VirtuaVerse, a wonderful adventure that I played this weekend. A cyberpunk story, obviously made by nerds for other nerds (and with a great soundtrack). I can't remember when I last had that much fun with a game. I played (and finished) this on a friend's account, but I'll definitely buy it myself, too, if only to throw a little amount of money at the devs.
[14:27] It impresses me when people find creative ways to make music with things that are clearly not designed as musical instruments. A while ago I mentioned the Phantom of the Floppera and later the music-making tesla coils, but there are noumerous others, some of which I came across only recently.
Many of these acts use computer parts (floppy drives are a thing), devices connected to those (like, for instance, this dot matrix printer) or both (the Floppotron appears to be well known).
The Device Orchestra on the other hand is not limited to computers and periphery but takes whatever is available, while others show that even a car is suited for this task (there is some weird yelling at the end, so be sure to stop the video once the music is done).
Really creative folks out there, awesome work!