[00:00] Music from very short programs - the 3rd iteration (YouTube video)
[00:00] Experimental music from very short C programs (YouTube video)
[00:00] Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code -- how and why
[00:00] "Common Sans is a typeface that replaces the word refugee with the word human."
[00:00] I love Rube Goldberg machines.
[00:00] Star Wars Episode IV in one picture. 1.024 x 465.152 pixels.
[00:00] Animator vs. Animation II (YouTube video)
[00:00] Whenever I come across an apparently empty web page I take a look at the source, because I am afraid to miss something.
[00:00] I did not know the term Brutalist Websites existed.
[00:00] The 1993 Social Network. Interesting view of a common UNIX server as a social network.
[00:00] I hate it when people embed images on their sites and put an anchor around them in a way that the whitespace to both sides is part of the link. Seriously, how does that even happen?
[00:00] Blood Draining Game Peripheral. Was suspended, however.
[00:00] BSOD cosplay (via)