[00:00] Phantom of the Floppera (YouTube video). see also: http://georgewhiteside.net/projects/diskette-organ/
[00:00] "I introduced my 5-year-old and 2-year-old to startx and xmonad. They're DELIGHTED!"
Early education. Done right.
[00:00] Star Wars via telnet: $ telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
[00:00] Star Wars via traceroute: $ traceroute -m 66
[00:00] "Love is Hate. War is Peace. Windows is stable." (via)
[00:00] Suicide Linux. "Any time you type any remotely incorrect command, the interpreter creatively resolves it into rm -rf / and wipes your hard drive."
[00:00] Candy Box 2 - ASCII art game - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candy_Box